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Wine Type Dataset

Wine Quality Dataset

The dataset we use is from UCI Machine Learning Wine Quality Repository which are the result of a physicochemical analysis of wines grown in Portugal related to red and white variants of Portuguese "Vinho Verde" wine.

The physicochemical analysis determines is conducted and wine expert determine the quality of the wine.

The attributes from the physicochemical analysis tests :

the attributes in the data are: 1) Fixed Acidity 2) Volatile Acidity 3) Citric Acid 4) Residual Sugar
5) Chlorides 6) Free Sulfur Dioxide 7) Total Sulfur Dioxide 8) Density 9) pH 10) Sulphates 11) Alcohol

The expert valued sensory data score 12) Quality Score (between 0 and 10)

The Machine Learning Objective of the problem is to create a prediction model that will utilize data gathered from the results of a chemical analysis of wines grown in the Nothern Part of Portugal and predict the quality class of the wine.

Wine Recommendation Dataset